
I wanted to create a space for expression, reflection, introspection, learning, healing and ideally growth. However growth is impossible without change. Learning is almost impossible without making mistakes. I say all this to say, that there are times when I may not express myself in the best way. There are times when I may not be politically correct. My feelings are subject to change. As I learn and gain more knowledge, my views are subject to change. As a grown woman in her thirties, I definitely feel that I have a good sense of self. At the same time, so much has changed in my life over the last few years that it’s been difficult to put a label on who I am today. Maybe that’s just it. We have to be careful with labels because sometimes they don’t allow for growth and development. However, at times, labels can be helpful. They can express purpose, functionality and/or capability. For example, you may have come across my page by typing in “beauty”, “life” or “love”. I doubt you were in search of “Chinese Food”, “Kitchen Islands” or “Granite”. Yes, there are some obvious labels “Woman”, “Wife”, “Mother” just to name a few. However, how I move and what I represent is a little harder to pin down lately. As you move throughout this space, I ask for two things: 1)Openness (open mind and open heart 2) Gentleness. It’s amazing what we can see when open. It’s amazing what we can hear when truly listening- not listening to judge, nor listening to speak, but actively listening. It’s amazing how many people we can touch with gentleness. So I ask you to be open and gentle not only with others but with yourself. As you navigate through this nook, try not to apply so much emphasis to any one word, label or sentence that you miss the message, box me in, box yourself in or don’t allow room for error. I will make mistakes. I am allowed to be wrong. I am allowed to change my mind. Mistakes are a part of learning. Learning is a part of growth. With growth there can be a change in mindset. And let’s remember, some things are not a matter of right or wrong, but based on opinion. So let’s be open and gentle during our process. Make space for all of the possibilities.